Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama vs. McCain health records.

If the next president was chosen solely by his health records, then there is no dispute, Obama is the clear winner. Not only is the candidate 25 years younger than opponent McCain, he has had many fewer serious health problems. The most serious infringement on Obama’s health record is “intermittent smoking” which he successfully quit many years ago. McCain has had to deal with cancer in at least 3 places in his body, vertigo, blood in his urine, high blood pressure, degenerative arthritis in his knee and hand joints, as well as polyps and diverticulosis in the colon.
There has been much controversy about the two candidates and their various policies and political records. But nothing can be done to hide the fact that one of them is healthy as a horse and one should probably sit out this race. With health problems coming out of every orifice, and a very controversial vice presidential candidate, things seem a bit shaky for the republican candidate. Charging out of the gate is Obama, taking with him a clean bill of health from his doctor. Some may say that the vast difference is due to the age difference, but that is not a free pass for McCain. Just because he is older doesn’t allow him to be falling apart. 72 is not extremely elderly, and there are many 80 year olds are in better health.
Overall, if the presidential race was a true race, McCain would be left choking in Obama’s dust.

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