Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama vs. McCain health records.

If the next president was chosen solely by his health records, then there is no dispute, Obama is the clear winner. Not only is the candidate 25 years younger than opponent McCain, he has had many fewer serious health problems. The most serious infringement on Obama’s health record is “intermittent smoking” which he successfully quit many years ago. McCain has had to deal with cancer in at least 3 places in his body, vertigo, blood in his urine, high blood pressure, degenerative arthritis in his knee and hand joints, as well as polyps and diverticulosis in the colon.
There has been much controversy about the two candidates and their various policies and political records. But nothing can be done to hide the fact that one of them is healthy as a horse and one should probably sit out this race. With health problems coming out of every orifice, and a very controversial vice presidential candidate, things seem a bit shaky for the republican candidate. Charging out of the gate is Obama, taking with him a clean bill of health from his doctor. Some may say that the vast difference is due to the age difference, but that is not a free pass for McCain. Just because he is older doesn’t allow him to be falling apart. 72 is not extremely elderly, and there are many 80 year olds are in better health.
Overall, if the presidential race was a true race, McCain would be left choking in Obama’s dust.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Kids view of the 2008 election

Teacher says something called the “election” is coming up soon. I think that means we are getting a new person make the rules and tell us how to spend money. Mom and Dad both are talking about things like healthcare, which I think means doctors and the economy, like spending money. My older sister is 19, and she is talking about it too. She is all excited cause this is the first time she gets to go and vote. I can vote one day too, once I am old enough.
I was watching SpongeBob this morning and in between it had a song about kids picking the president. They sang about all the other ones, I think there were like 40 or more. Mom says this election will be the first of its’ kind. She says after November America will have its first African American president or its first lady vice president. Dad says that the one named Obama is the best one cause he will make the whole country feel better and fix all the boo boos. Mommy says she is going to pick Obama too. She thinks the other guy is too old. I saw a picture of him. His mommy must never have taught him to brush his teeth. They are really yellow. I think the new president should let everyone have more money so they can take more time with their kids. Also I think the president should make it easier for sick people to go to doctors and get medicine. I hope the right one gets picked and put in that big white house.

Monday, October 6, 2008

political gourds

For this week, I looked at interactivenarratives.org. The most interesting item to me was the fact that the site had political pumpkin carving designs. Now that Halloween is just around the corner, as is the election, it is interesting to see the 2 events meshed together. It was a very creative idea of whoever thought of it. The designs range from the simple Democratic and Republican animals to full faces of both Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates and the wives of the Presidential candidates and the symbol for each campaign. It was well designed because the reader can click on each picture and see an enlarged image, and then download it so they could recreate it on an actual pumpkin. Overall, it is a very effective way to show holiday and political spirit on October 31. Lets’ just hope no mischief makers smash any of these works of art.